Rotten Apples

Rotten Apples; it only takes one to spoil the bunch. What to do when you have bad neighbors Once upon a time, 17 years ago, I moved to a new neighborhood and bought an abandoned property. I got it dirt cheap. Such an amazing deal that it made all my neighbors mad. Various people in […]

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Stay Safe While Using Chrome

Your Google Chrome Browser Might be Making You Vulnerable to Cyberattacks The Google Chrome browser has established itself as the go-to for most people. It is surprising to know that the browser is popular on the Windows platform as much as the iOS. That is on top of being offered on every Android device as […]

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The Great Coronavirus Scam

The Great Coronavirus Scam Coronavirus. Covid-19. Pandemic. These are the words on the world’s lips. What is it all about? How did this get hatched? This will be a very different look at this virus. Try and pause for a moment, hear me out 100% of the way before you blast me for being an […]

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Passwords Each year or so you hear a major news story about some large company in the world being hacked (you might remember last year’s Experian hack where vital info on countless millions of Americans was stolen). Cyber Security is big business, as are cyber attacks. It’s a never ending war; one side trying to […]

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The Secure Home

The Secure Home: Guide to Protection, Safety & Due Diligence in Law So you want to keep your home, property and family safe in troubled times? I don’t blame you. Most smart home owners do. Here is what I have done and the changes I am making now to beef up security after a recent […]

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